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Берсерк TERA Online

Лига торговцев   •     •  
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Продам аккаунт
3,800 руб.   примерно 500,608 золота
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WTS a zerker on MT server, TERA US
This character has:
3300 vanguard credits(to buy crystals, consumables or sell for gold) worth 8k+ gold
68k bellicarum credits(enough to buy pvp weapon or pvp set parts)
14k ks credits
+12 enchantment scroll(to enchant your item instantly)
1000 federation bills(to buy cosmetics) worth 10k gold
Village Atlas for more 20 days
4 mounts(3 temporal and one permanent white tiger)
2 kind of brooches(crit and power kind)
over 2k noctenium infusions
over 1k tier6 feedstocks
full power jewelery
fulminate gear
wroth weapon(if you want to start with it)
autoloot pet
all needed dps crystals
various consumables
elixir to make your inner armor(underwear) visible ;)

This account gives you the opportunity to choose your own path. It has needed gold and items to buy and enchant schisma gear parts or, needed amount of credits to buy and enchant pvp gear parts. Also it contains a pretty high amount of vanguard credits in order to choose by yourself your needed crystal setup. You are not limited! Make it as you want!

basic geared lvl65 accounts are sold 25-30$ atm and gold goes from 0.7 to 1 rates which means that this account worth more than 80$. Buy it as it's cheap or make me an offer!

looking to sell for 56$, though we can negociate! Will sell via Middleman

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